Help out “Operation Cold Start”
Winter Vehicle Theft Prevention: Just under 6,000 vehicles were stolen across the city last year, approximately 16 per day.
The Calgary Police Service is out with another warning about leaving your vehicle running as Operation Cold Start begins.
It is the third year of the program that will run until February 1.
Over the past few years, car thefts have been on the rise. Besides the big inconvenience that a stolen vehicle has on its owner, it is also a big expense. Auto theft costs Canadians close to a billion dollars a year, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada–this includes costs of repairing or replacing vehicles (which impacts insurance rates), police and court costs, and millions more for criminal conviction correctional services.
We carry many products here at the Car Salon Calgary to help prevent you from becoming the next victim. Although you can’t always stop a thief who is determined to steal a certain car, there are ways you can reduce the chance of theft.

Remote Starters
Three security levels will protect your vehicle when you start your vehicle remotely. Next, if they are not already closed, the remote start must automatically lock the doors. A would-be thief can’t just jump in and drive away. Even if they do get in, two additional levels of security still exist to keep it safe. Check out our Full Line of Remote Starters by clicking here.
Car Alarms
Thieves tend to avoid warning cars or anti-theft systems because when they enter, they attract attention. Such tools are well worth the investment, and in their tracks, they can often avoid a robbery and move on. We can often combine your remote car starter & alarm as a single unit. We carry a full line of Alarms to meet your vehicle’s needs. More info on our Car Alarms Here.
GPS Tracking Systems
While this may not prevent theft, tracking systems may help quickly locate and recover a stolen vehicle. We emit a signal that allows police or surveillance to keep tabs on where the car is heading. Also available are self-tracking GPS systems that enable vehicle owners to position devices (sometimes small tags) inside the car, allowing them to locate where the vehicle is via their smartphone. While this software will help you find your car in a large parking lot, never go on your own after a stolen vehicle. Please report to the police the details you have received. Give us a call or check out more info on GPS Tracking Systems.
Give us a call anytime for Friendly Service on all your Vehicle Electronics needs!