Coolant System Service
Without routine coolant system service, engines can fail when you least expect them to, leaving you and your family stranded on the side of the road…Coolant System Service can prevent this.
he Car Salon’s Tire Craft Division provides the leading cooling system repair shop in Calgary, AB. No one likes waiting for a towcooling-system truck, but vehicle breakdowns can and will occur if preventive maintenance is not a priority. If you’ve ever witnessed a breakdown on the side of the road in Calgary, AB. chances are the breakdown involved a driver with an overheated engine. Overheating has been the most common mechanical breakdown on the road. Typically, cooling systems require servicing and maintenance from every two years to every 50,000 Km’s. This leaves you plenty of time to coordinate a cooling system maintenance or service for your car or truck at our facility.

Your vehicle’s cooling system is responsible for keeping the temperature of your vehicle’s engine down in order to prevent overheating of the engine. The cooling system consists of a cooling fan, water pump, and radiator. The primary purpose of each of these parts is to dissipate and remove heat from the engine. Excess heat can build in a variety of places in your car or truck’s engine. Anti-freeze flows through your car or truck’s radiator to keep temperatures down, though the anti-freeze can break down and lose its efficiency over time. Through preventative routine maintenance, our mechanics can perform a flush and fill to replace the old anti-freeze in your car or truck’s radiator. Similarly, old coolant—a mixture of water and anti-freeze—can lead to corrosion of the cooling system’s water pump. Without an operational water pump, your vehicle’s engine is more prone to overheating. The cooling system’s cooling fan circulates air through the radiator and passes excess heat out of the engine. If the fan malfunctions, your vehicle’s engine will quickly overheat. During a cooling system service, our mechanics will check the cooling fan for damage and the drive or fan belt for cracks. Other important cooling system components, such as the pressure cap, coolant reservoir, and thermostat, will all be checked during an inspection at our facility.
Our facility in Calgary, AB is ready to serve you, and the coolant system service your vehicle in times of emergencies. But why chance a breakdown? Do you want to be waiting for a tow truck when your destination is within reach? We would be happier seeing your car or truck for preventive maintenance—like a cooling system flush or worn hoses replacement. A proactive approach to vehicle maintenance has been known to pay off in the long run. Neglecting cooling system maintenance can lead to expensive engine repairs or a radiator replacement in the future. After all, the number one cause of major engine failure is cooling system problems. That’s why we recommend spending a little now on routine maintenance to save you time and money later. Don’t wait for the the48,000 Km’s before you decide to schedule routine maintenance on your car or truck’s cooling system.
Schedule an appointment now or contact us for a quote on a routine cooling system maintenance service. Our staff is ready to offer you the best and most affordable cooling system repair services.
Coolant System Service:
1) Complete system inspection
2) Chemical flush to remove contaminants
3) Installation of new coolant fortified with conditioner
Using a coolant exchange machine, old coolant is replaced removing rust, scale, silicate and organic sludge deposits. New fortified coolant is installed preventing corrosion with improved heat transfer characteristics.
Sixty percent of breakdowns are caused by coolant system service failures. Anti-freeze is made up of ethylene glycol, water, and chemical inhibitors. Vehicle coolant is mixed to provide protection against freezing, boiling over, heat transfer, foaming, deposit build-up, and corrosion protection of the engine’s internal components. Time, temperature extremes, agitation, and chemical reactions deplete the anti-freeze inhibitors leaving a corrosive acidic- mixture. Depleted anti-freeze eats away at aluminum engine components 10 times faster than cast iron. Most new vehicle engines have aluminum heads, intake manifolds. heater cores and radiators. It is recommended in order to maximize efficiency to inspect system once a year (24,000 km) and flush the system every 2 years (48,000 km) or as required. (Dex-Cool every 100,000 – 160,000 km depending on the manufacturer.
– Maximizes the life of cooling system components-temperature sensors, head and intake gaskets, water pump, heater core, and radiator, etc.
– Minimizes costly repairs to the cooling system. The engine will run more efficiently.
Cooling System, Flush & Fill
Radiator, Pressure Test
Your vehicle’s cooling system requires basic maintenance just like most relied upon car parts to…
The Car Salon’s Tire Craft Division provides coolant system service to customers in Calgary, AB. You just hit the road for a long trip, but a few miles down the highway your temperature gauge goes into the red. Soon there’s smoke billowing out from under the hood of your vehicle due to an overheated engine. You wait for a tow truck, and who knows when you’ll be back on the road headed to your destination?

If you had stopped at our facility in Calgary, AB for a routine cooling system flush and fill, this situation could have been avoided.
Your vehicle’s cooling system can experience high temperatures. The higher the temperature, the higher the demand on your vehicle’s cooling system to bring things down to normal conditions. Your vehicle’s cooling system is responsible for carrying heat away from the engine and helping to maintain efficient operating temperatures. Excess engine heat can build in a variety of places in your car or truck’s engine. The cooling system consists of a cooling fan, water pump, and radiator. The primary purpose of these parts is to dissipate and remove heat from the engine. The cooling system accomplishes this by cycling anti-freeze and coolant to the components where heat is generated and then away to the radiator to be cooled. The radiator is a large tank with many small channels through which the coolant flows to dissipate heat. Radiator fans are located behind the radiator, which helps to cool the anti-freeze or coolant. The cold coolant is pulled by the water pump through a radiator hose and into the engine, which then circulates and prevents overheating in the engine. Once the engine has reached operating temperatures, the hot coolant cycles back to the radiator where it is cooled again.
A cooling system flush and fill will ensure that your coolant continues to consistently do its job efficiently as possible. This routine maintenance will also flush out any acid or excess dirt and debris that may damage your cooling system’s water pump or clog radiator hoses. A cooling system flush and fill prevent corrosion due to the old coolant. New coolant is equipped with chemicals to help slow down an internal engine and radiator rust. It keeps your cooling system living longer and performing at maximum capacity. New coolant helps your car or truck’s engine run at cooler temperatures. Overall, allowing our mechanics to perform a cooling system flush and fill will prevent overheating—the most common cause of breakdowns and extensive engine damage.
Don’t let negligence get the best of you. A cooling system flush and fill is preventative maintenance, which means you shouldn’t wait for the first sign of trouble to contact our facility. Leave the troubleshooting and routine auto cooling system maintenance to our trained mechanics. Our staff is happy to offer you the best and most affordable cooling system flush and fill routine maintenance in Calgary, AB.
Don’t sacrifice your peace of mind at the expense of saving a few dollars. Before putting your vehicle under heavy stress during an extensive road trip, schedule an appointment, or at least contact us for a quote on a cooling system flush and fill service.
Sometimes a radiator leak can be easy to spot. The coolant might be found dripping, spraying, or…
The Car Salon Tire Craft Division provides radiator pressure tests to customers in Calgary, AB. Your vehicle’s radiator will last up to 250,000 Km’s, but that won’t stop a crack from opening up due to an old corrosive coolant. Stop in and see our mechanics for a pressure test at the first green puddle you find pooling under your vehicle. Our facility in Calgary, AB is ready to service your vehicle in times of emergencies or routine radiator maintenance.

A radiator will usually hold the amount of pressure indicated on your vehicle’s radiator cap. A pressure test will help pinpoint where the radiator is losing pressure and where the coolant is likely leaking through your radiator. A pressure test may also involve a block checker to check for combustion gases in the existing coolant. Our mechanics may also use a leak detection dye for slower and harder to find leaks. A radiator performing efficiently is a crucial component in your vehicle’s coolant system service.
Your vehicle’s cooling system is responsible for carrying heat away from the engine and helping to maintain efficient operating temperatures. Excess engine heat can build in a variety of places in your car or truck’s engine. The cooling system consists of a cooling fan, water pump, and radiator. The primary purpose of these parts is to dissipate and remove heat from the engine. The cooling system accomplishes this by cycling anti-freeze and coolant to the components where heat is generated and then away to the radiator to be cooled. The radiator is a large tank with many small channels through which the coolant flows to dissipate heat. Radiator fans are located behind the radiator, which helps to cool the anti-freeze or coolant. The cold coolant is pulled by the water pump through a radiator hose and into the engine, which then circulates and prevents overheating in the engine. Once the engine has reached operating temperatures, the hot coolant cycles back to the radiator where it is cooled again.
A pressure test can stop a leak and help you avoid a radiator replacement down the road. A bad shaft seal in your radiator’s water pump may be one leaky culprit. Radiator hoses can crack and spray coolant through a corroded connection. Your vehicle’s radiator heater core may even start leaking on the inside floor of the passenger compartment. Other leaks might involve an intake manifold gasket or a head gasket. Sometimes corrosion from the inside of the radiator will cause problems, resulting in an even trickier leak to locate.
But why worry about the details when our mechanics are trained to quickly and accurately diagnose leaks? Leave the troubleshooting and routine auto radiator and cooling system maintenance to our trained mechanics at our location. Regularly scheduled maintenance and service appointments will ensure that our mechanics keep your cooling system and radiator working at maximum efficiency. Neglecting a patch of leaky fluid can lead to a more expensive radiator replacement in the future.
Our staff is happy to offer you the best and most affordable coolant system service and radiator repair services in Calgary, AB. At the first sign of leaky fluid, schedule an appointment or contact us for a pressure test on your vehicle’s or radiator or cooling system.
Radiator, Replace
A radiator leak can mean big trouble for your vehicle’s cooling system if not attended to…
The Car Salon Tire Craft Division is the leading radiator replacement shop in Calgary, AB. While, in many cases, a radiator will last up to 150,000 miles, the first sign of trouble can be seen in a pooling green puddle under your car or truck. Often, this is a sign of coolant or anti-freeze leaking from your radiator or radiator hose. Don’t ignore this warning sign. A breakdown may not be far away. Read less
Overheating has always been the most common mechanical breakdown on the road. While cooling systems require servicing from every two years to every 30,000 miles, trouble can occur at any turn if the warning signs are not repaired by our mechanics in Calgary, AB.
Your vehicle’s cooling system is responsible for carrying heat away from the engine and helping to maintain efficient operating temperatures. Excess engine heat can build in a variety of places in your car or truck’s engine. The cooling system consists of a cooling fan, water pump, and radiator. The primary purpose of these parts is to dissipate and remove heat from the engine. The cooling system accomplishes this by cycling anti-freeze and coolant to the components where heat is generated and then away to the radiator to be cooled. The radiator is a large tank with many small channels through which the coolant flows to dissipate heat. Radiator fans are located behind the radiator, which helps to cool the antifreeze or coolant. The cold coolant is pulled by the water pump through a radiator hose and into the engine, which then circulates and prevents overheating in the engine. Once the engine has reached operating temperatures, the hot coolant cycles back to the radiator where it is cooled again. Replacing radiator hoses every four years or 100,000km is one way to prevent a radiator replacement in the future.
Generally, corrosion from the inside and outside of the radiator will cause problems, resulting in a leak. A severely corroded radiator core is cause for a radiator replacement. Over time, the channels or hoses to your car or truck’s radiator can become blocked with debris cycled through from the engine with dirty coolant. This debris can build up and completely clog your vehicle’s cooling system. Regular scheduled maintenance and service appointments will ensure that our mechanics keep your cooling system and radiator working at maximum efficiency. But don’t wait to visit us in Rochester, MN for a routine cooling system maintenance. Neglecting cooling system and radiator maintenance can lead to more expensive and expansive engine repairs in the future.
Our radiator and cooling system specialists will accurately target cooling system problems ranging from a clogged radiator core to low engine coolant to a malfunctioning cooling fan. Our facility in Rochester, MN is ready to serve you and service your vehicle in times of emergencies or routine maintenance. Our staff is happy to offer you the best and most affordable cooling system and radiator repair services in Calgary, AB. At the first sign of trouble, schedule an appointment or contact us for a quote on performing routine maintenance on your vehicle’s cooling system or radiator.