We’ve already talked about the best car audio systems for your vehicle, and today we are going to talk about the speaker system that will best complement the audio system to give you the best overall car audio experience. We’re going to focus today on the Focal Audio range we have at The Car Salon, the best in the business and they have only stepped up their game with the release of the Utopia M, Utopia BE, and the K2 Power. We are going to look at each of these speaker systems in detail and let you decide which one best fits your needs.
The Best Speaker For Your Car
Utopia M by Focal – Review
The Utopia M has been fully redesigned and Focal has reimagined everything about the car speakers to make the impossible, possible. Just looking at the speaker systems can give you an idea of how much work has gone into the design aspects to ensure the best audio fidelity.
The performance of Utopia M is supreme. We have had very few car speakers that can actually handle the variety of music the way that the Utopia M by Focal. No matter the genre you want to listen to the Utopia M can handle it like a pro.
Another fantastic solution they’ve provided is to customize the speaker driver basis the car and the popular music choices of people. No matter the size of your vehicle, the Utopia M is a treat for the ears that true audiophiles will be proud of owning.
Utopia BE by Focal – Review
A lot of effort is put into music production these days, for the most part. Musicians spend hours to ensure they have the kick, the beat sounding just perfect before they’re willing to release the track. I often wonder why that is, since most audio systems don’t even have the capability to play the files beautifully. But then you install the Utopia BE car stereo system by Focal in your car and all that effort seems to make sense.
The wide range of speakers and subwoofers available on this line really do justice to the music being played. I’ve listed to songs and heard beats, and notes of music that were largely unheard of before. If you are a true connoisseur of the arts then this is one car audio speaker system you have to install in your vehicle.
K2 Power by Focal – Review
The K2 power speaker system is the oldest speaker system on the line and probably the most iconic one on offer by the Focal team. The yellow cones immediately send flashes of years gone by where the style was matched by the intensity of the music blowing from the system.
The K2 Power by Focal has only gotten better with age like a fine wine. The R&D team has been working hard to provide something for everyone with a sweet balance being achieved with the highs and lows of the sound spectrum while also ensuring that the thumping bass and the trembling treble is also felt in equal amounts.
The Focal Car audio speaker systems are an entire package with each component present for each set and they work best with each other. That’s the way they have been designed. Another thing you should note is that installing these components is not a job for the light-hearted. To ensure that the car speaker systems give you the best output focal has actually provided The Car Salon technicians with special training to ensure you get every bit out of the buck you spend. If you’re looking for the best car audio speaker systems, speak to one of our expert audio technicians today!