Beyern Wheels

Beyern Wheels

Getting into an accident can be a painful experience. Every year millions of dollars in damage is done by hailstorms in the Calgary area. We want to make the rest of the process to getting back to normal as easy as possible for you.

Beyern Wheels

Beyern Wheels are designed and engineered precisely to fit BMW vehicles.

Beyern designs and builds wheels to specifically fit BMW vehicles. Beyern does not make OE BMW wheels or copies of original equipment BMW wheels. We make the aftermarket BMW wheels that make you want to take off your original BMW wheels.

Because we only make wheels to fit BMW vehicles we can produce without compromise. Our wheels are all hub-centric and compatible with your specific BMW in all the ways that really matter. Making aftermarket wheels for BMW vehicles is complex. Load rating, offset, center-bore, brake caliper clearance and size all need to be compatible with your BMW vehicle. This is what we have done without compromise for many years at Beyern and what sets us apart from ordinary custom wheels.

Beyern aftermarket BMW wheels have passed every important testing standard in the world, including the German TUV standard, the Japanese JWL standard the and the American SAE standard.  At Beyern we only do one thing and we do it right. Custom Wheels for BMW vehicles.

We endeavor to be your trusted “One Location… One Solution” centre.

For more information on our Car, Truck or SUV Accessories please contact:

Phone: 403.250.3722
Address: 1725 32 Ave. NE #122 Calgary, AB T2E 7C8