Car Tune-Up
Calgary, Alberta
No one-size-tune-up fits all of this answer. It’s a good starting point to check your manual. More certainly, the manufacture would recommend how often a tuning on your specific vehicle should be performed. Usually, auto-tuning takes place at 30 km, 60 km, and 90 km. If your fuel mileage rises, your car won’t start like it used to, or if you change these are all indicators that your car needs a tune-up. The Car Salon Tirecraft mechanics will help you choose a schedule that works best for you and your vehicle.
You can save money in the long run by regular tune-ups on your car. A well-tuned car improves fuel efficiency, improves engine performance, and ensures the better overall running of your car. To perform a tune-up on your car, it’s important to have quality parts and knowledgeable people. Our mechanics are trained here at the Car Salon to ensure that your car receives the best care possible.
There is a common misconception that cars do not need tune-ups today. While it is true that today’s tune-ups are quite different from past ones, they are still essential. Instead of mechanical ignition systems, cars now have electronics, but they still require maintenance. Inspecting the vehicle, inspecting belts, spark plugs, flushing fluids, testing your battery, checking your tires, checking your brakes and much more will be a tune-up these days. Make a call today to the Car Salon to see if your car may need a tune-up.

The Car Salon in Calgary, AB does all kinds of mechanical tune-ups. Our mechanics will look over your car. Then suggest what is needed to be done while doing a tune-up report. In the old days, you waited until your vehicle was in a “bad” state before you took it in for a tune-up. The term indicates the need for routine maintenance and should not be associated with poor performance. Manufacturers have developed recommended routine maintenance schedules, which specify intervals for replacing spark plugs, PCV valves, fuel filters, etc. These schedules also specify intervals for checking or adjusting ignition timing, idle speed, and other items related to engine operation, as well as emission-control-related devices.
The longer you wait to have a tune-up performed, the more your vehicle’s performance will decline to result in a rough idle, poor gas mileage, and slow acceleration.
While a tune-up focuses on servicing the ignition and fuel system, engine component malfunctions are also often discovered during a car tune-up. To keep your vehicle’s engine operating at a peak level of performance, schedule regular car tune-ups conducted by qualified, ASE-certified technicians.
Car Salon Tirecraft Affordable Tune Ups
At the Car Salon of Calgary, AB, we invest in the latest diagnostics and repair equipment to ensure our highly-trained team of technicians can perform auto repair services in a timely manner at an affordable price.
Electronic ignition tune-up includes:
- Replace spark plugs
- Adjust ignition timing, as required
- Adjust curb idle speed, as required
- Visually check emission-control related devices
- Visually inspect distributor cap and rotor, when accessible
A major tune-up also includes:
- Clean fuel injectors
- ISC motor, as required
- Throttle body air intake
- Visually inspect fuel lines and fuel rail
- Pressure test fuel pump
- Visually inspect fuel pump, pressure regulator, vacuum line, and connections
- Decarbonize intake manifold
- Intake and exhaust valves
- Combustion chamber and pistons
- Test exhaust emissions
Tune Ups
Tune Ups
Our mechanics will look over your car. Then suggest what is needed to be done while doing a tune-up report. In the old days, you waited until your vehicle was in a “bad” state before you took it in for a tune-up.