Four Wheel Drive Systems
Four Wheel Drive Systems
4-Wheel Drive Hub Repair / Replacement, 4-Wheel Drive System Inspection, 4- Wheel Drive Transfer case Repair, 4- Wheel Drive Transfer Case Service.
Four Wheel Drive Systems
The four-wheel-drive system on your car or truck endures some heavy stress driving on the roads…
4-Wheel Drive Hub Repair / Replacement, 4-Wheel Drive System Ifour wheel drivenspection, 4- Wheel Drive Transfer case Repair, 4- Wheel Drive Transfer Case Service

The Car Salon, Tirecraft division is the leading four-wheel drive systems repair shop in Calgary, AB. There are many advantages to owning a car or truck with a four-wheel drive system in Byron, MN. But no matter the make or model of your car or truck, all maintenance on four-wheel drive systems is basically the same.
There are some key features of four-wheel drive systems that are the same between models of cars and trucks. Each four-wheel drive system has a locking differential, which means that both wheels on the axle can turn together in order to achieve maximum traction. A limited-slip differential will detect a slide or slip in one wheel and then send torque to the other wheel in order to regain traction. Manual hubs require you to manually engage the front wheel drive mechanism in order to fully engage the four-wheel drive system. An automatic hubs option will let you automatically commands the front wheels in order to engage the four-wheel drive system. Switching into automatic hubs can often be achieved with the mere switch of a button. If you plan on hauling heavy equipment through Calgary, AB. then the transfer gearbox will allow you to shift from high to low range.
Each four-wheel drive system in Calgary, AB has a transfer case, locking hubs, and a front and rear differential system. When you have your transfer case inspected by our mechanics, they will check for the proper level of fluid, inspect for unusual amounts of moisture, and the presence of dirt, debris, and other wear particles. Our mechanics will also add new lubricant to your transfer case. Maintenance on a four wheel drive system transfer case can vary between 80,000 and 120,000 by the model of car or truck. Since the locking hubs switch between two and four-wheel drive, maintenance is crucial for smooth and consistent levels of performance. Our mechanics will disassemble your locking hubs, thoroughly clean the locking hub, and then provide new lubrication. Locking hub maintenance is usually performed every two years or every 35,000 Km’s. A differential repair service will involve the draining of old fluid from the differential and re-filling it with new, clean fluid to keep it lubricated and working strong.
Maintenance on four-wheel-drive systems will differ from vehicle to vehicle, which is why it is important to consult your owner’s manual or with a mechanic on the proper intervals between services on your four-wheel drive system. Tough terrain—like dirt roads, unpaved or gravel roads—in Calgary, AB can have a heavier impact on the life of your four-wheel drive system. When scheduling a four-wheel drive system service, you should consider where you drive most often and how much time your vehicle spends traversing difficult terrain.
If you value smooth four-wheel drive system performance, then you should regularly seek four-wheel drive system maintenance from our experienced auto mechanics. We’re happy to provide quality four-wheel drive system maintenance for Calgary, AB. Make an appointment with us today or stop in to speak with a member of our auto repair team to learn more about your particular car or truck’s four-wheel drive system.
4-Wheel Drive Hub Repair / Replacement
4-Wheel Drive System Inspection
If you have a four-wheel drive system on your car or truck in Calgary, AB. then you have…
The Car Salon, Tirecraft division is the leading four-wheel drive system hub repair and replacement shop in Calgary, AB. The locking hubs on your vehicle’s four-wheel-drive system are an important system of teeth and gears that allow your car or truck to switch in and out of four-wheel drive. In Calgary, AB, no matter the model of car or truck, four-wheel drive hub repair and maintenance is crucial for the overall life of your four-wheel drive system
Depending on your model of car or truck in Calgary, AB. four-wheel drive locking hubs repairs and replacements can vary from every two years or 40,000 to 50,000 Km’s. From model to model, the way your four-wheel drive system’s hubs operate can also differ. In most cases, the locking hubs will allow the driver to disengage the front wheels while the car or truck is in motion, though some hubs require you to stop the vehicle completely before engaging or disengaging from the four-wheel drive hubs.
When torque is applied to the drive shaft or your four-wheel drive system, the internal mechanism inside the hub slides in and locks into place. If you have your transfer case routing power to all four wheels involved in your four-wheel drive system, the hub will remain locked in place until you disengage the hub. If you decide to disengage four-wheel drive, the hub slides back out and allows the front wheels to turn independently of the axle shaft.
There can be a variety of reasons you begin to have trouble with your four-wheel drive system’s locking hubs. Locking hubs can experience trouble when mud enters the hub. Rust and worn internal components can also prevent the internal mechanism from sliding in and locking the hub. The first sign of trouble can be heard in grinding noises when shifting into four-wheel drive. Another sign of front-wheel drive hub trouble can be seen in a vehicle that is more difficult to steer at lower speeds. If you avoid grinding noises and basic hub maintenance in Calgary, AB you may find yourself stuck in snow or mud with front-wheel drive that refuses to engage. The opposite can also happen, where the hubs refuse to disengage, which means more fuel consumption and increased front tire wear due to being stuck in four-wheel drive. Don’t let your four-wheel drive start breaking down your wallet. Let our mechanics inspect your four-wheel drive hubs at the first sign of trouble.
Tougher than usual terrain in Calgary, AB can have a heavier impact on the life of your four-wheel drive system’s locking hubs, so be wary of the surfaces you drive over most and adjust your maintenance schedule accordingly. Diagnosing and accurately repairing four-wheel drive locking hubs can be a challenge. You should consult with a mechanic at our facility if you are experiencing trouble engaging and disengaging your hubs.
If you value consistency when operating your four-wheel drive locking hubs, then you should regularly seek four-wheel drive hub repairs and replacements from our experienced auto mechanics. We’re happy to provide quality four-wheel drive hub repairs and replacements in Calgary, AB. Don’t delay a repair or replacement for your four-wheel drive system’s locking hubs. Make an appointment today.
How many times have you asked for a jump-start from a fellow driver in Calgary, AB? If the…Starting & Charging System Check
The Car Salon’s Tire Craft Division staffs the best starting and charging system check mechanics in Calgary, AB

In Calgary, AB, your car or truck’s four-wheel drive system is designed to endure some…
The Car Salon, Tirecraft division is the leading four-wheel drive system transfer case service shop in Calgary, AB. If you plan on hauling heavy equipment through , then you better come in to our facility for a four-wheel drive transfer case service before doing so.
All four-wheel drive systems are equipped with a differenfour-wheel-drive-how-gkn-driveline-s-on-demand-system-is-better-than-haldex-s_2tial in front and back with a transfer case in between them. The transfer case helps adjust speed between all four wheels. In your car or truck’s four-wheel drive system, the transfer case is as important to your vehicle’s drivability as the differentials themselves. Without a properly maintained transfer case to ensure a consistent and fluid route of power between axles, you may do considerable damage to your car or truck.
During a four-wheel drive transfer case service in Calgary, AB, our mechanics will ensure that the internal components of your transfer case are lubricated properly.
If you have an older four-wheel drive system, your transfer case probably uses gears to apply torque to your front drive shaft. If you have a newer four-wheel drive system, your transfer case probably utilizes a chain in order to apply torque to your front drive shaft. In both cases, the internal components of your four-wheel drive system’s transfer case create a lot of heat and friction, which can have an adverse effect on the fluid in the transfer case. There is also the chance that your transfer case may pick up unwanted amounts of moisture. During a four-wheel drive transfer case service, our experienced mechanics will drain the old fluid from the transfer case and add new fluid to ensure proper lubrication through tight turns and over rugged roads. Our mechanics will also inspect and test the shafts, gears, and other internal components to ensure that they are operating at maximum efficiency. They will then check the transfer case for leaks or holes that may have to be filled. In extreme cases, building a new transfer case may be the best solution for your transfer case.
Maintenance on four-wheel drive systems can differ from model to model of car or truck, which is why it can be important to consult with our trusted mechanics on the proper intervals between services on your four-wheel drive transfer case. Usually, your four-wheel drive system is due for transfer case service every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. Tougher than usual terrain in Calgary, AB can have a heavier impact on the life of your four-wheel drive system’s transfer case. When scheduling your next four-wheel drive transfer case service, consider where you drive most often and how much time your vehicle actually spends traversing difficult terrain.
If you choose to take the electrical components underneath your hood for granted, you may find that extreme temperatures in Calgary, AB can cause you splitting headaches and mid-travel woes. Your car or truck’s starting and charging system contain the battery, alternator, and starter, which helps power everything from simple components like headlights, the radio, and power windows to electric heaters, navigation systems, and DVD players. Most importantly, your vehicle’s starting and charging system are connected to your engine, and without proper maintenance, even a minor failure in your starting and charging system can leave you stranded.
In Calgary, AB, it’s always a good idea to schedule a starting and charging system inspection before the extreme temperatures hit. Extreme heat causes evaporation, which may lead to battery failure. At the same time, extreme cold can damage the chemicals inside your vehicle’s battery, which affects its cranking power. Colder weather also places additional demands on your vehicle’s battery. It’s important to be assured that your starting and charging system is operating at maximum efficiency.
How does the starting and charging system work and why is overall maintenance important? For one, the battery, starting, and charging systems are involved in multiple electrical processes. Without a properly maintained starting and charging system, your engine will refuse to run, no matter how hard you turn your key in the ignition.
During a starting and charging system inspection at our facility, our experienced auto mechanics will perform a system check on your battery. We’ll be able to estimate the life remaining on your battery and the temperatures that will most likely cause a sudden failure. We’ll also check your battery’s cranking amp capacity, the electrical draw of the starter, and the electrical output of the alternator. We will clean your battery terminals and replace cables that have been damaged by corrosion. A starting and charging system inspection also includes an inspection of the alternator belt, which is an integral part of your vehicle’s charging system. A loose or broken belt is the most common culprit of a starting and charging system failure. By the end of a starting and charging system inspection, our mechanics will have ensured that all of the electrical components within your vehicle’s charging system are operating at maximum capacity.
Since your car or truck’s battery supplies electrical energy to your vehicle’s ignition system and starter, a dead battery means you’ll be traveling to your next repair by tow truck in Calgary, AB. But there’s no reason to wait for disaster to strike. A starting and charging system inspection—without the required maintenance—will take our mechanics only 15 minutes to provide you with a status on your vehicle’s starting and charging system. All you have to do is schedule an appointment.
We have been servicing the auto needs of starting and charging systems in Calgary, AB, for years. We pride ourselves on maintaining quality customer service and good relationships with parts manufacturers in order to offer you affordable replacements as needed. Schedule an appointment for a starting and charging system inspection today to save you a potential failure later, or call our facility for a full starting and charging system quote for your car or truck.